Please use our online donation form. If you have any further questions about financially supporting us, please contact us.

How we use your financial support

We make every effort to run our ministry on a tight budget in order to make your donations stretch as far as possible. Some of our costs include:

  • Compensation for our chaplain and assistant chaplain

  • Bibles

  • Simple hospitality

  • Promotional materials

Ways to give

There are a number of ways you can offer financial support. You can:

  • Make a one-time donation

  • Set up a monthly donation

  • Give annually

  • Make a gift through IRA, stocks or bonds

  • Include us in your will or estate

"A lot of people don't venture into places like Fort Des Moines."

Dr. Gary Rosberg, co-founder of CrossRoad Ministries, gives his heartfelt appeal to Christians to assist CrossRoad Ministries in reaching the men and women of our Work Release Centers on behalf of Jesus Christ.